Sunday, July 17, 2011

07/17 Verge Project Update

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device

This is our last meeting as a team.  We reviewed our original mind map to make sure that as a group we felt that we covered all the necessary topics for this innovation.  As a group we discussed our progress over the last couple of weeks and feel confident that we did the best that we could with our innovation and the skills and knowledge that each of us presented to the group.  We talked about some of the challenges that we encountered throughout our process.  Some of those challenges were trying to determine the location of our floatation device.  Also if we needed only one device or multiple devices to assist with the floatation of the snowmobile.  We feel as a group we overcame this challenge with actually testing and experimenting with our model.  Also with the research and personal experience that we had as a group it allowed us to make the appropriate decisions to make our innovation.  We felt that the snowmobile track should continue to run to help the driver get out of the water and drive to safety.  We feel this option would best be handled with three separate floatation devices.  As a group we felt comfortable with the decision that we made to have the floatation devices underneath the running boards on each side, this would keep it away from the snowmobile track.  Also based on our research from the internet the heaviest part of the snowmobile is in the front where the motor is located.  We felt that the third floatation device needed to be up front to protect the electronics and motor to try to save the snowmobile itself from any water damage.  We also felt that this was the heaviest part of the snowmobile; therefore, extra assistance is needed to keep this part out of the water and from sinking.  Our testing proved that we needed a third floatation device in the front of the snowmobile to help with the front weight and to keep it afloat.  Another challenge that we felt our group faced was the limitation of our testing.  It was not feasible because of funding to take an actual real snowmobile and have three floatation devices made so that we could take it out and test it on a body of water.  With this challenge the best option was to test with a toy model to see if it would float in a bowl of water.  Without the funding and real testing of an actual snowmobile it does put a twist into any innovation process but we feel that we did the best with what we had available to us.  Our innovation is to have a floatation device under each running board and one in the front of the snowmobile.  Our pictures located in our previous posts show where the devices would be located and how the unit will stay afloat with this technique.
As a group the technology that we used was the internet to research other products that are available to try to incorporate them into our product.  We were able to locate the flip top safety switch that we felt was best feasible for our innovation.  We also were able to locate diagrams on the internet which showed the inside of an actual snowmobile and where the motor and electronics were stored.  This helped us determine the location of our floatation devices.  We used to brainstorm and create a mind map to put all of our thoughts and ideas down for future reference.  This technology allowed us quicker access to writing down our information.  It also allowed us to save and reference the document for future meetings.  We were able to reference it for quick access to review what our ideas were and how we wanted to proceed forward. 
The technology that we used in our innovation project was basic enough to implement and use in the workplace.  The internet research was a great help with our innovation process.  This could definitely be an asset for the workplace when you need to do research to come up with possible ideas and other options that you might not be aware of. was very user friendly and allowed us to brainstorm and mind map our ideas effiectively.  This would allow you to mind map in the workplace.  You could save your document like we did and use it as a reference at future meetings.  You could print out copies very quickly as a reference for all parties attending the meeting.  Individuals can then take notes to put additional ideas down on paper to discuss with the group.  It also helps when you assign tasks so that everyone is on the same page and has a copy of the material.  Another key factor that can be used in the workplace as well is to test and create a model.  This was a huge factor in our innovation process.  We were able to actually try it out to see what was going to work.  In the workplace you can do the same, create a model and actually get involved hands on with your project.  Research can only do so much for you but once you can actually test and experiment that is where from our experience our group finally got some of the true answers and were able to move toward our end result.
In summary this is our verge innovation project.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

07/14 Verge Project Update

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device

Now that we narrowed down the floatation devices on our snowmobile we have now moved on to our activation switch.  We feel that a flip up switch would be the best option for our device to be activated.  This is a safety device that should not be accidently triggered by bumping it.  You physically have to pull up on the switch for it to be activated.  We feel this design is also workable with any sort of snowmobile glove that the user might be wearing.  This activation switch would be located in the middle of the handle bars of the snowmobile.  We feel that this location is the best spot since the other controls are located in the same area.  Below is a picture of the switch.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

07/10 Verge Project Update

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device

At our meeting today we continued to go through the five phase cycle of innovation.  During our meeting today we decided to try another technique that was presented in the Workplace Innovation class.  We brought the 12 sided dodecahedron to the beginning of the meeting.  This was a different opportunity for taking turns discussing our project and ideas.  It worked very well and there wasn't too many times that people tried to jump in to add something while it wasn't there turn.   It was just a different approach that we tried to keep the discussion going and for everyone to be able comment and keep us on track.  We are at the point of strategizing our approaches.  We need to start to eliminate our gaps and focus on how we are going to innovate this product.  During this meeting we decided to explore and actually start looking at some of the key things that are important into the actual make of the snowmobile.  With doing this it allowed us to find out where the components of the unit were stored within the snowmobile and what some of our options were with the location of the device.  We used our internet research to find models that showed just the inside of the snowmobile.  It allowed us to see where the actual components of the snowmobile were located.  Based on our research there should be enough room in the front of the snowmobile to house the inflatable device.  We are also continuing to narrow down if there is another location for the device or if we should have more than one device deploy.  During our meeting we actually tried to create a model using a toy snowmobile to see if we could come up with an idea to test and see what would work best for the floatation device.  As a group we felt this was the best way to test our ideas to see what else might come from it and what might be already working for us.  During our testing phase we realized that another possibility would be that we could have inflatable tubes come out from underneath the running boards and one in the front of the unit.  This would prevent the snowmobile from tipping side to side.  It would also allow the track to continue to move to help the driver actually still operate the snowmobile to try to get to safety.  Normally snowmobiles can float when the unit is still running; therefore, the floatation device is only in a rare situation when they start to sink and the motor dies.  The heaviest weight is toward the front end of the engine; therefore, we came to the conclusion that the tubes on the side of the unit would help distribute the weight of the snowmobile but a tube in the front would hold up the heaviest part of the unit.  During our testing process we put two devices on the side of the unit and one device on the front of the unit and tested it in water and the snowmobile has no problem floating.  With the testing that we performed we have created our best model of our floatation device.  Below are pictures of our model that we tested.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

06/26 Verge Project Update

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device
During our meeting today we all came back to the group with any ideas or suggestions that we had based on our research done by each member.  We talked about using the same type of inflatable boat that is used in aircrafts.  We talked about the rubber material that it is made out of and that it would be extremely durable.  This might be an option since it would hopefully prevent any popping because of the spikes on the snowmobile unit. We talked about using the same chemical of nitrogen gas which is used in vehicle air bags.  We brought up the fact of using inflatable tubes instead of a boat.  Discussion took place on the activation method of the unit.  We thought about using a sensor but couldn't come to any exact answers on if this would be the best possibility.  We thought of having the sensor activate if it was emerged in water but then we thought it might activate in times when there was a lot of slush and this might then turn into a safety hazard.  We tossed around the idea of having a switch on the unit but need to do some addition research.  We talked about some of the safety concerns of our project.  We wanted to make sure it deployed fast enough for the snowmobile and driver to be saved.  We wanted to make sure the deployment was smooth enough so that the driver was not injured.  Location also came up about the positioning of the device within the unit.  As a group we need to start to narrow our gaps down to determine the location of the device within the unit itself.  We have decided to continue our research as a group.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

06/19 Verge Project Update

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device

During our meeting today we decided on what two products to combine.  As a group we decided to consider combining a snowmobile with a blow up air bag system similar to what is used in a vehicle.  The reason for this innovation is to save lifes when people are crossing ice that is open or has cracks in it when snowmobiling. The air bag unit would deploy once the snowmobile would hit a specific point when sinking into the water.  This would allow the snowmobile not to sink and not put the driver and/or passenger at risk of drowning or freezing because of being emerged into the water. 
We started our brainstorming session today and came up with a mind map of some of our ideas.  Below is a picture of our mind map that our group came up with to start us going on this innovation process. 
After our brainstorming session we took some of the main points from our mind map and were trying to measure the gaps to determine what our challenges were going to be.  As a group we realized that the location of the device was going to be a challenge.  We also felt that our activation of the device would be another one of our challenges.  As a group we decided that our research needs to begin at this point.  We need to start looking at what type of device is going to work for us.  We need to look at the snowmobile itself to determine locations for the inflatable device to be located.  We need to determine our activation method for the device to deploy.  


Sunday, June 12, 2011

06/12 Verge Project Update

Team members: Nicole, Kelly, Alex, Trevor and Aubrie

Verge Project: Snowmobile Floatation Device

Our team meet for the first time to discuss the project.  We discussed the 5 phases that are used to create an innovative product.  We talked about how we will need to visualize our ideas with brainstorming techniques to create a mind map of our project outline.  We talked about how we were going to measure the gaps, with what needs to be done and the challenges that we are going to face in this project.  We talked about strategizing our approaches, which would be exploring, testing and finding out key things that are going to be important to complete our final innovation. We reviewed that we need to projectize the details to create the best model and how we are going to make our final innovation.  We also discussed that we will need to orchestrate the results and present our best device after our phases have been complete.

As a group we decided to think about some ideas of combing products to come up with a new innovation.  The assignment for each individual is to try to think of any ideas prior to our next group session.